PayPal - Do More


Our main Creative Platform for our Merchants is hinged on how PayPal lets them ‘Do More’ because of how effective and powerful our products and services are. PayPal takes care of all their payment needs, letting business owners concentrate on doing the things they love in their business.

As part of this, we follow real merchants and create real, authentic content with them. We dive into their passions and why they started them in the first place.

Creative executions reached all surfaces from paid and owned media, social platforms. Messaging covers full funnel to drive awareness and consideration of PayPal products and offerings.

SMB landing destination here

60 Second Cuts - Merchant focus

Karakoram - 60 second (upper funnel)


Botanical Colors - 60 second (upper funnel)


Freeman - 60 second (upper funnel)

30 Second cuts - PayPal focus

Karakoram - Mid funnel messaging

Botanical Colors - Mid funnel messaging

Freeman - Mid funnel messaging

15 Second cuts - PayPal focus

Karakoram - Lower funnel messaging

Botanical Colors - Lower funnel messaging

Freeman - Lower funnel messaging

Paul Grizzell